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March 6, 2010

Casus Belli

Representatives from multiple Arabs and Muslim countries said today that "Israel's actions" may lead to a "holy war", the ancient terminology for a religious war, also known as Jihad.

The things that outraged the Muslim countries were Israeli soldiers and police forces entering the Temple Mountain in Jersualem, known by the Muslims as Haram al-Sharif. The perpesentatives, as always, reacted in a reflex, after years of Pavlovian conditioning. The representatives, so eager to support their fellow-Muslims were very quick to condemn Israel for entering the holy site, forgetting the reason for this incident: Muslims throwing stones at Jews praying on the other side of the wall.

Muslims tend to say that Islam is a religion of peace, and that the Prophet Mohammed preached for peace, and therefore they find it very hard to explain why Mohammed initially tried to gain the trust of the Jews he lived among, and why - when they refused to follow his new religion - he decided to kill or enslave them all. They also find it hard to explain why is it that while the Kuran preaches for peace, but over 90% of the wars and killing around the world are done by Muslims.

It is a common habbit in Muslim countries to say that Israel is the cause of all evil, and whatever Israel is not responsible for, the USA is. We often hear about "how many Muslims or Arabs Israel killed today". We hear about this so often, we tend to forget that while only a couple of thousands of Palastinians were killed in all of the 60 years of fighting (and the Palastinians were fighting Israel from the day of its foundation), millions and millions of Muslims were murdered around the world by their own "Muslim Brothers".

How can you take these "representatives" seriously, when they attack Israel for sending forces to stop a stone-throwing mob, but ignore Muslim suicide bombers killing 33 Muslims in Iraq? Or when they ignore Taliban (Muslim exteremists) attacking Pakistan's capitol, leaving dozens dead?

How can those Arabs and Muslim representatives take themselves seriously, when they blame Israel for everything, and are not able to understand, that by giving an OK for terror against Israel, they are giving an OK for terror against themselves?

Either way, I say - if those countries want to start a war over the Temple Mountain, I say "Bring it on". Maybe it will give Israel the chance to destory the musques there, revealing the only true holy sites ever built there: the Jewish Temples.

But that - that is a topic for a different post...

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